Mark Goldstein Investors

Mark got his start as a full-time operator – co-founding a dozen fintech, SaaS, e-commerce, retail, green tech, online gaming, and music ventures over the past 30 years. Now, Mark's passion is as 'player/coach'. His mission is two-fold: helping America reduce the cost and increase the efficacy of health care via technology, and enabling founders (with deep domain experience in their respective industry) to take on the legacy providers that directly or indirectly are holding back change. Mark is the Founder and Chairman of the Digital Health Hub Foundation, a 501c3 that manages and runs the world's leading health awards show, now held annually at the HLTH Conference in Las Vegas. Each year thousands of companies apply and thousands of judges vote for the best of the best in health and wellness. Mark also previously was an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Softbank and then at NEA and has made over 150 investments in tech either as an angel or institutional investor. Mark is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and has served on its Board of Overseers.