Valerie Charles
Valerie Charles is FemTech Fund Investor at Portfolia, which identifies top entrepreneurial companies from around the country & invests in high-potential opportunities. Portfolia collaborates with top angel groups and venture firms to raise the profile of women as high-value investors in the entrepreneurial eco-system.
Also Valerie Charles, a Partner with StoneTurn, has more than a decade of experience in advising and defending companies under investigation, as well as those focused on implementing and improving their corporate compliance programs. She has deep experience serving both as outside counsel and as an in-house compliance leader. Valerie also has extensive expertise leveraging technology in both proactive and reactive compliance matters.
Also Valerie Charles, a Partner with StoneTurn, has more than a decade of experience in advising and defending companies under investigation, as well as those focused on implementing and improving their corporate compliance programs. She has deep experience serving both as outside counsel and as an in-house compliance leader. Valerie also has extensive expertise leveraging technology in both proactive and reactive compliance matters.